Ribbon Cutting for Northside Apartments in Ithaca, NY
Housing in New York State plays a vital role in community development. With the assistance of 3dDevelopment Group, LLC, Ithaca Housing Authority, NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal including the Community Housing Development Fund, and the City of Ithaca, Northside Apartments was built to serve the Ithaca areas housing needs.

The idea to build the apartment housing started many years ago with a desire to fill the needs of the community to have safe, affordable and energy efficient housing. The heat and central air for all units are electric, breaking dependence on natural gas while remaining efficient for the renters and property owners. There are one, two, three, four and five bedroom units available with a playground and community room available for tenants. Construction was provided by Celia Construction of Whitesboro, New York.
The Northside Apartments were developed in an area within walking distance from a grocery store, local businesses, medical offices, the science center and local parks. Many years of planning including relocating families formerly living in the area who were impacted by the development. Many of the former residents now call Northside Apartments home.
At the ribbon cutting, the developer 3d Development Group, LLC, founded by Bruce Levine and the Ithaca Housing Authority Executive Director, Brenda Westfall were provided citations by the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate highlighting the property and benefits of revitalized housing in the Ithaca community. Wonderful speeches were given by Bruce, Brenda, the Mayor of Ithaca, Robert Cantelmo, and Leonord Skrill, the Assistant Commissioner at the New York State Homes and Community Renewal all who played important roles in the success of the apartments for the Ithaca community to enjoy for years to come.
Leo N. Bonfardeci spearheaded the financial reporting and agreed-upon procedure services associated with the Northside Apartments. Both he and Maria H. Snyder have expertise in the financing, financial reporting, agreed upon procedure and tax services from development through completion of low-income housing apartments in New York State.
3d Development Group, LLC https://www.3ddevelopment.com/
Ithaca Housing Authority https://ithacaha.com/
New York State Homes and Community Renewal https://hcr.ny.gov/
Celia Construction, Inc. https://www.mvbe.com/membership-directory/business-listing/general-contractors/celia-construction-inc/
City of Ithaca, New York https://www.cityofithaca.org/